It is important to know that mold remediation is typically an achievable goal. Most mold problems can be taken care of for not too much expense, keeping in mind that you want to first eliminate the source of the water intrusion and then remediate the mold.
Broadly, there are two types of surfaces in the home that mold can grow on: porous and non-porous substrates. Porous substrates include wallboard, carpet, and wood, and non-porous include tile, windows, plastic or plasticised coatings... you get the picture.
Non-porous can be addressed in several ways, but to be blunt, the veyr best way is to remove and replace the non-porous surface. If that is not possible or feasible, it may be possible to treat the area and then seal it. Non-porous surfaces simply need to be cleaned, but most homeowners do not have the expertise or the correct cleaning solutions to effect such a fix. My best advice, after seeing more than my share of owner-induced disasters, is leave it up to the professionals!
One of the best companies we have worked with is AdvantaClean. As always, check them and others out, get multiple quotes, do your own homework, etc.
Their website in Louisville is|-air-duct-cleaning-|-water-damage-repair-|-louisville-ky&Itemid=66
They serve Louisville, Oldham county, and southern indiana (Kentuckiana).
HomeTeam does mold tests in that same area.
Next week- lead based paint testing, and what you need to know about it.
HomeTeam Inspection Louisville, Kentucky offers the most comprehensive home inspection service in Jefferson and Oldham counties, Ky. We use a team of professionals and home inspectors, including a licensed hvac technician. We also offer mold, termite, and radon testing in addition to home inspections. We are fully licensed and insured and add value to your home buying decision.
HT initial
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